Preview of the exhibition of Paolo Veronese – Palazzo della Gran Guardia, Verona

From July 5 to October 5, 2014 Verona pays tribute with a major exhibition at one of the artistic geniuses of the sixteenth century : Paolo Veronese.

Curated by Paola Marini, director of the Museum of Castelvecchio and Bernard Aikema , University of Verona, presents the main phases of the artist’s career through a selection of works , painting and graphics from major international museums.

The exhibition aims to trace the artist’s entire career , focusing on four main themes : the origins of Veronese in his hometown , the crucial links the artist with the architecture and architects such as Michael San Micheli , Andrea Palladio and Sansovino , his piety , and the organization and practice of its flourishing workshop . Therefore, not only paintings , but also a large number of designs .

The exhibition is organized by the City of Verona in collaboration with the University of Verona, the Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage of the provinces of Verona , Rovigo and Vicenza and the National Gallery in London , which dedicates an exhibition at the same Paolo Caliari in the spring of 2014. The two exhibitions , which are closely related , they share approximately 25 works .